Report Card Time

Talia, Kayli and Aidan got their first trimester report cards yesterday. They all did great and I’m very proud of all of them! Talia continued her perfect record of making the honor roll with all A’s and one B+. Kayli got straight A’s on her report card. This is the first year Kayli has gotten letter grades. She won’t be elligible for the honor roll to next year though. Aidan doesn’t get grades, but instead gets “S” for satisfactory or “N” for needs improvement. He got all S’s.

In addition to their report cards, Talia and Kayli got the results of the Iowa Basic Skills test they took earlier in the year. They both scored in the 99th percentil. I guess I can’t ask for more than that! I told them they needed to keep up the hard work so they can get a college scholarship.