Talia Knocked Out Jared’s Tooth

Jared was clearing the table while Talia was putting dishes into the dishwasher when a plate Talia was putting in the dishwasher collided with Jared mouth while he was putting a glass on the counter. He mouth was all bloody and when I looked at it his tooth fell out into my hand. It has been loose for a while and would have fallen out on it’s own soon. This makes the third sibling to have knocked a baby tooth out of Jared’s mouth, with Aidan and Riley being the other two culprits.

Jared’s Creation Picture

I love this picture Jared drew at school. It depicts God adding color to the world during creation. I love how he showed God adding brown to the tree trunk, yellow to the sun and flowers, blue to the sky and green to the trees and grass. I thought it was so creative and had to scan it so save forever.