A possible allergy and a possible broken finger

I had to call the doctor today because Falyn developed a rash on her torso. I’m afraid it could be an allergic reaction to the antibiotic she was prescribed on Friday due to an ear infection and bronchitis. While I was waiting to hear back from the doctor, Talia came home from her softball game with a hurt finger. The softball and smacked into her finger while she was batting. When the doctor called me back she said to take Falyn off the medicine and see if the rash goes away. Then when it goes away to give it to her again and see if the rash comes back. She also said that if Talia can’t make a fist in a couple of days to bring her in to have her finger looked at. Since I already have an appointment for a recheck of Falyn on Thursday, if Talia’s finger is not better by then I’ll bring her with me.

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