Aidan’s First Day at Preschool

Aidan started his “Preppy-K” class today. He will go MWF in the mornings. After we got back from dropping the girls off at school, he helped me make his lunch – Bologna Sandwich, Doritos and Apple Juice. We drove to the school and located his classroom. After signing him in, we went out to the playground where the kids were lining up to go in to class. Aidan went right to his line, gave me a goodbye hug and headed right off to his class. A few of the other kids were crying and one was screaming at the top of his lungs! After they went in, I went to the class and took a picture of him sitting with the other kids in the classroom. Gave him a final wave and was off. I can’t wait to hear how his day went. I think he is going to have a great time.

Talia’s First Day of 5th Grade

I just dropped of Talia for her first day of 5th grade. This is the first year that she gets to wear a skirt instead of a jumper. She is very excited about that. She has a great teacher this year and all but one of her good friends is in her class.

Kayli’s First Day of 2nd Grade

Kayli had her first day of 2nd Grade today. She goes for a 1/2 day today then doesn’t go back till the day after labor day. Talia has her first day tomorrow. Kayli was sad that her two best friends are in the other class. She has lots of other friends in her class though. And I’m thrilled that she has the same teacher Talia had in 2nd grade. She is an awesome teacher.

Mommy, I didn’t do it!

I was resting on the couch this afternoon when I felt a big jolt. The house then started swaying and I knew it was an earthquake. I jumped up and yelled at Aidan asking him if he was okay. His reply was, “Mommy, I didnt’ do it!” I told him I knew that he hadn’t done it and that it was an earthquake. All the while I’m talking with Aidan, I’m running up the stairs to check on the twins. They were asleep in their room taking a nap. The earthquake woke them both up, but they were able to go back to sleep. Aidan and I then went downstairs and looked up the earthquake online. It turned out to be a 5.3 (later downgraded to a 4.9) centered in Yucaipa.

Talia Lost Her First Molar!

It’s been a big week for tooth losses around here. After the loss of two of Kayli’s teeth earlier this week, last night Talia pulled out her molar. She said it was loose and had been bothering her, so she pulled it out. It bleed for quite a while! She was very excited to about loosing it and couldn’t wait to tell her friends about it.

Now Talia Knocked Out Kayli’s Tooth!

Kayli was playing her recorder again and showing Talia how to cover the hole on the bottom and make different notes. Talia was cover the bottom hole and somehow managed to knock out the other bottom tooth on the opposite side that was loose.

Kayli made me take pictures yesterday and today so she can do a page about it in her scrapbook.

Riley Knocked Out Kayli’s Tooth!

Kayli was practicing on her new recorder yesterday. Riley walked up and smacked the recorder, knocking out one of her bottom teeth! (It was a baby tooth and already very loose.) It was pretty funny. She went around showing Riley the whole where the tooth was and saying to him “See what you did!”

I’ve Really Got To Stop Calling Them Babies!

The twins are getting so big and learning so many new skills. Jared now insists on climbing into and out of his carseat by himself. And today, Jared climbed all the way up the big slide in the backyard and then proceeded to slide down it all by himself. He followed that by climbing up the ladder all by himself with no trouble at all. Riley got really mad and wanted me to put him at the top too. I told him he had to climb up there himself. After trying a few times, he figured out how to do it too. They were having to much fun climbing up the slide and sliding back down.

My New Twins Apparel Store

I’m so excited about the new Twins Apparel Store that I just opened. You can find the store here. I ordered some of the products to check on the quality and I’m very happy with the way they turned out. I currently have six different designs and I plan to add more as I get time.

This picture shows Jared and Riley in their Twinadoes shirts. I just love these shirts and they describe those two perfectly.

I love you all the way to costco and back!

I was cuddling in a chair with Aidan when he asked me how much I loved him. I told him that I loved him all the way to pluto and back. I then asked him how much he loves me. He thought about it for a while and then answered, “I love you all the way to costco and back!” For him that is a whole lot. When he really likes something, he will say I love it all the way around the neighborhood! I guess that Costco was the furthest place away he could thing of, so I take it as a great compliment.