Falyn’s Spring 2011 Dance Recital

Falyn had her first dance recital today. She has been taking a “Combo Fusion” class at Studio Fusion since last September. She learns ballet, jazz, tap and some acrobatics in the class. She loves the class and absolutely loved the recital. This is one kid that loves being on stage and performing in front of an audience. She did most of the routine correctly and in the parts where she was doing the wrong steps, other kids followed along with what she was doing instead of doing the choreographed steps. She can’t wait for the next recital.

Falyn’s June 2011 Cheer Competition

Falyn had a great time at her second cheer competition. He team did great, coming in 2nd place which earned them silver medals. Falyn said that now all she needs is a 3rd place to complete her medal collection (they won 1st place last time),

Memorial Day

We had a BBQ and pool party to celebrate memorial day. We were thrilled that our new BBQ island arrived just in time for the first pool party of the summer. I had been getting over a sinus infection and pink eye, so wasn’t feeling that great during the party. Everyone else had a great time though.

Gold Shield Awards

So proud of Talia for being nominated for two Gold Shield Awards, one in science and one in social science. It is quite an honor to be nominated as a Sophomore for this award. Only a small percentage of the top students at the school get nominated.

Aidan’s Walk Thru California

Today Aidan’s class participated in the Walk Thru California program. All the kids dressed up as characters out of Californian history. Aidan was Father Serra. Each kid had a card with questions that had to study before hand. During the program, the kids were brought up with the subject of on their card was mentioned. They then had to answer the questions they learned the answers for from the cards. All the kids did a great job and had a great time too.