Twins Cinco de Mayo Kindergarten Party

The twins’ kindergarten class celebrated Cinco de Mayo today with a party. They made a picture frame and maracas. They then went outside to shake their maracas. They all had a great time.



The Twins’ Kindergarten Easter Party

The twins kindergarten class had their Easter party this morning. I went to the party to help out and brought Falyn with me. The party started with a visit from the Easter Bunny. The kids then did several crafts, including making a bookmark and cross necklace. They then had a snack and it was time to go home. All the kids had a lot of fun. Falyn was so cute at the party. She thinks she is just as big as all the kids and sat on the carpet to listen to the stories and got in the middle of the circle to dance along with them to several songs. Here’s some pictures from the party.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

Dan started out the day by making green eggs and green milk for the kids for breakfast. Talia and Kayli wouldn’t eat them, but the other kids enjoyed them. After dropping Falyn off at preschool, I went to the twins kindergarten class to help out with their St. Patrick’s Day party. It was a lot of fun. We then picked up Falyn from her school, where she also had a party. At the school we were given some green bagels which we enjoyed with our lunch. Tonight we are going to have green sprite and green mashed potatoes (along with some non-green items) for our dinner. I hope you all have a great St. Patrick’s Day!

Here’s few more pictures of Falyn and the twins wearin’ the green:

2009 Lip Sync

The kids school had their annual lip sync show today. The twins kindergarten class and Aidan’s class both performed. The twins class did “Mr. Roboto” by Styx. The kids all looked so cute dressed up as robots.

Jared and Riley



The whole class

You can see their performance in this video.

Aidan’s class was divided into two groups. Aidan’s group performed “He is the Life”. You can see their performance in this video. Aidan is wearing the blue shirt.

Quote of the Day

Overheard while the twins were playing on of their Star Wars Wii games, “If you kill me, I am so telling!” This was said by Riley to Jared. He was talking abut Jared killing his character in the game. I thought it was hilarious.

Jared’s Thinking Scary Thoughts At Me!

A few weeks ago I put Jared and Riley both in time-out in the kitchen. They both started complaining about the other one making hand motions and looking at them meanly. Because of this, I had them move so that they could no longer see each other. A few minutes after that Riley said, “Mommy, Jared’s thinking scary thoughts at me!”. Jared claims he was not thinking scary thoughts at Riley, but who can be sure? Is this one of those strange twin things where one twin can tell what the other twin is thinking at him? Or was Riley just making it up? Who knows! It does make for a funny story though.

A Tea Party Set, Lego Storm Troopers and the Twins

Falyn got a Disney Princess Tea Party Set for Christmas. She loves it! She will set it up and have tea parties with anyone that will come. The twins often attend the tea parties with her. The other day Falyn set up her tea party set then went to play somewhere else. I found the twins playing with it along with their Lego Storm Troopers. I asked them if the Storm Troopers where having a tea party. I was then informed, “No, they aren’t having a tea party. The giant forks are attacking the Storm Troopers.” I had to laugh. It just goes to show you that boys left to themselves can turn even a tea party into a war zone.

The Twins Got Bunk Beds

Yesterday we bought bunk beds for the twins at Costco. We put them together today and the twins were so excited to be sleeping in them tonight. We had been talking for a while about getting them and they had already decided between the two of them that Jared would have the top bunk and Riley the bottom one. They had fun getting their new beds all set up with their blankets and animals and assorted other stuff. I was a bit worried they might have trouble falling asleep in them, since it was something new. But, they went right to sleep.

Here’s Jared all tucked into his bunk.

And Riley all tucked into his.

They both wanted me to take pictures of them on the ladder.

Twins Kindergarten Christmas Party

Jared and Riley’s kindergarten class had their Christmas party this morning. It was a fun party with crafts, snacks and even a visit from Santa. Here’s some pictures: (Jared has on a blue jacket and Riley a red one.)

The Twins Kindergarten Christmas Program

Jared and Riley had their Christmas program last night. They were so excited about it. They were dressed up as shepards and sang “Search for Lodging” and “There Isn’t Any Room” during their class’s part of the play. For the finale, all the class were on stage and they sang: “Away In The Manger”, “Silent Night”, “Christmas Is Here”, “Deck The Halls”, “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “Up On The Housetop” and “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”.

Here’s some pictures:

Before the show.

With their teacher.

The decorations.

Jared coming in.

Riley coming in.

Jared and Riley’s class.

Their class singing Search for Lodging.

All the kindergarten classes

Singing Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer