My Very First Digital Picture

I came across this picture today as I was working on updating my photography business website. This is the first digital picture we ever took. It was taken with our Sony Cybershot camera in Feb. of 2002. Talia was almost seven and in the first grade. Kayli was 4 1/2 and Aidan was 18 months old.

This picture is very special to me because it is the only picture I had of my kids on my laptop during the 8 weeks I spent in the hospital while pregnant with the twins. It will always hold a special place in my heart.

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!

I had a lovely Mother’s Day. It started with breakfast in bed and continued with presents, and lots of relaxing. We went over to Dan’s parents’ house for dinner.

Here’s the card the kids made for me. (Sadly, they seem to have inherited my bad spelling abilities.)

The kids with Grandma Nancy.

Mother’s Tea

Falyn’s preschool held it’s annual Mother’s Tea today. The kids served their moms muffins. After enjoying the muffins and juice, we returned to the classroom. There the kids sang a song and presented the moms with presents they had made – cute butterfly clips with magnets.

Here’s the video of the kids singing.

Girl Scout Camp-Out

I spent the weekend camping with Kayli’s Girl Scout troop. We all had so much fun!

The first night there was a camp-fire sing-a-long and we made smores.

On Saturday we participated in a camporee, where every troop had a booth with an activity. Our girls did a cat’s cradle booth. Everyone seemed to really like learning cat’s cradle and we saw girls playing it during the rest of the weekend.

Saturday afternoon the girls went swimming. The pool had a really fun water slide.

Saturday night was skit night. Our girls performed their own version of the invisible bench skit. They did a great job of it.

Walking to the camp-fire.

Waiting to watch all the skits.

Our camp site.

Sunday morning we had breakfast in the camp facility’s dining hall and then we had to break down camp. Then we went on a hike. We had heard there were cougars in the area and we saw paw prints while on our hike.

After that we went zip-lining and participated in a team building activity.

After that, it was time to go home. Everyone agreed that it was so much fun that they wanted to do it again next year.

Kayli’s Last Cotillion

Kayli had her last Cotillion tonight. Next year she will be moving up to Super Club. The last Cotillion of the season is always a Costume Ball. Kayli went as a ladybug. She has come so far in her dancing since she started Cotillion in 3rd grade. She is looking forward to Super Club next year where they add in table manners to the etiquette lessons.

Fun at the Beach

Falyn and I met Dan at the beach today for lunch. It was such a beautiful day!

Falyn had fun collecting shells.

She also collected driftwood.

Dan flew Falyn’s Tinkerbell kite.

We saw a pod of dolphins playing in the waves.

The beach was covered in ladybugs.

Happy Birthday Falyn!

It’s hard to believe that you are 4 years old already. You are such a sweet, smart, adorable little girls. You are always so happy and truly enjoy life. You love dancing and singing. You also love to draw and paint. Your favorite TV shows are Team Unizoomi, Yo Gaba Gaba, Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go. Your favorite color is still pink.

Here’s a look back at how she’s grown over the last four years.

Falyn at 3

Falyn at 2

Falyn at 1

Newborn Falyn