The bribe worked!

Jared and Riley did great at swim class today. They did everything the instructor asked and didn’t cry or scream at all. It’s amazing the power of a single Hersey’s kiss!

Gone Most of the Day

Today was Aidan’s last day of preschool. They had a picnic and puppet show and invited the families to attend with their child. So, I went with all the kids. Aidan and the twins sat up front for the puppet show. I think they all enjoyed it. After the puppet show, they had hot dogs and chips and cookies.

Then this afternoon we went to a girl scout pool party. Since the boys do not swim very well, I bought them floaties for the party. They weren’t too thrilled with the idea, but once they got them on and got in the pool they liked them. I got a new spray sunscreen that I just love. You just spray it on them and that’s it. You don’t have to rub it in, except for the face – you can’t spray it there so you have to spray it in your hands and rub it on their faces. Everyone had a blast at the party and were very tired afterwards. I was exhausted afterwards! I was holding Falyn the entire time and then kept having to take one boy after the other to the bathroom. I barely sat down the entire four hours we were there.

Last Day of Speech Class

The twins have now graduated from speech class. We had their final IEP last week and they had their last class this morning.

They have come so far in the last two years. Back then they spoke only a handful of words. Now their speech is at age level and understandable to most people.

Ms Karen did a great job with them this year. They had lots of fun in her class and will miss not going there anymore. I’m sure glad not to have to take them there every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 8:15 anymore!

Can’t even figure out how they did this one!

At some point during the day, I remember one of the twins telling me that the other “broke our door”. I can’t remember which twin it was because at the time Falyn was screaming and I was trying to calm her down. They were upstairs in their room and I was downstairs. I was trying to ask them what door, the closet door? The closet doors often come off the track, so I assumed this was what they were talking about. I decided that it must be the closet doors and that Dan could take care of it when he got home. I then forgot all about it.

Fast-forward to tonight at bedtime. Dan goes to put the twins in bed and discovers that the door knob of their door has been broken totally off. Jared tells him he “fixed it”. He had put the screws back in the handle and placed it in his bed. How in the world did two 3 year olds with no tools manage to rip off the door knob???? I couldn’t help but laugh about it. What in the world will they do next? Dan says we should just pad their entire room and take everything out of it so they can’t do any more damage to it.

Happy Memorial Day!

Isn’t this an adorable picture? Talia loves to carry Falyn around and Falyn seems to enjoy being carried around by her Talia picked that flower from our front yard and put it in Falyn’s hair. We are having a very kick-back type of day today. Dan took the kids (except for Falyn) and about a half-dozen neighbor kids on a walk to 7-11 for slurpees, so it is really quite around here right now. Falyn is sleeping in my lap as I type.

This morning the twins got up and dressed themselves. They picked out their favorite tank-top shirts and “shiny” pants – which don’t exactly match. Riley got his shirt on backwards and Jared got his pants on backwards, but I’m not complaining! I’m so glad they are now doing more and more for themselves. It makes life so much easier on me now that they use the potty and are starting to get themselves dressed and put on their own shoes. They still need some help figuring out which way clothes go, but it’s a big improvement over me having to do everything for them.

Tonight we are going over to Dan’s parents house for a BBQ. I’m sure Samantha will be there, but I’m not sure whether or not Pam and Lawrence will be. I know the kids all want to see their cousin Lawrence, so I hope they are there.

Do all newly potty trained twins do this?

Jared and Riley have to tell each other every time they go potty. This is a transcript of an actual conversation between them:

J: Riley, I went poop and pee in the potty!

R: You went poop and pee in the potty! Did you flush?

J: No, do you want to come see?

R: Ya! Don’t flush, I’m coming.

(Riley goes in to bathroom with Jared.)

R: Good job Jared, high five!

(They give each other a high five.)

J: Do you want to help me flush?

R: Sure!

(They both flush together.)

This goes on each time on of them goes to the bathroom. It is hilarious! I wonder how long they will continue this behavior.

Potty Training Update

After many other false starts, it appears that Jared and Riley were finally ready for potty training. (They are 3 1/2 now.) I put them in underwear one week ago today. After one day of accidents they are have been accident free and are even waking up in the morning and going pee on the potty all by themselves! They are even pooping on the potty too. I’m thrilled that they finally got the hang of this and it was virtually pain free! I’m very glad I didn’t push it on them when they were younger and did not want to have anything to do with using the potty.

Potty Update

Yesterday Riley had one accident and the peed in the potty twice! Jared wet his pants five times and didn’t go in the potty once. This morning, they have both gone in the potty one time with no accidents! I sure hope this trend continues.

Is there a Potty Training camp?

Why is it so hard to potty train twins? Can’t I just send them off to a potty training camp somewhere? I put the twins in underwear this morning and they have had accident after accident with no successess. I put them on the potty only to have the pee in the pants ten minutes later. It is so frustrating!!! I don’t think they are ever going to get the hang of this.

Decorations are Down

We got all the Christmas decorations taken down today. I was getting very tired of telling the boys to leave the tree alone every few minutes. It sure is nice not having to constantly keep them away from it. It’s also nice having back the room the tree took up. They boys are happy to have it down since they get their light sabers back. After Aidan took his light saber and hit an ornament, breaking it, we took them away till after the tree was taken down. Several other ornaments also were broken this year. You would think that not having glass ornaments would prevent them from being broken, but not with my boys around! They still manage to break plastic ones.