I don’t recommend doing this

I took the boys to the mall today in a quest for the last few remaining Christmas presents. Things were going well, till I took them into Bath & Body Works. I had the double stroller, which the boys were all holding onto. With the threat of being placed into the stroller if they didn’t stay with it. The layout of that store was not created with strollers in mind, or two three year olds for that matter! It was a struggle to get around the store to find what I wanted without the twins destroying every display in the store. I did manage to make it out of there with the present and without the boys breaking anything. I do strongly recommend you not every try this with three young boys!

The highlight of the mall trip for the boys was playing with the Reactrix. It’s this interactive mat on the ground that has different scenes displayed on it that you can interact with. Their favorites are the fish, the soccer game and the racecar track. They would stay there all day if I let them. It was very hard getting them to leave. It is suppose to be an adverstisement tool, but the ads are totally lost on my boys. They think it is a toy and want to know why I can’t buy them one for home.

Recognized at Costco

I took the boys to Costco today to pick up some prints I had made and look for a few more Christmas presents. We go to check out and the checker says, “Hey, It’s the triplets! Oh wait, one is older, right?” Aidan quickly says that he’s 5 and they are 3. I guess I’ve been spending too much time at Costco lately!

I Took the Boys to See Santa This Morning

I got there right after it opened, so we didn’t have to wait in line. This is the first year that one or the other of the twins wasn’t afraid of Santa. They all had a good time talking with him.

While we were at the mall, I must have been asked over a dozen times if they were triplets. Aidan has the drill down! I always say no and he pipes in with “I’m 5 and they are 3.”

Go Diego Go with Darth Vader?

Jared and Riley are cracking me up this morning. They are outside playing Go Diego Go. They are up in their “rescue center” (which is the fort on the play equipment). Jared is baby jagaur and Riley is Darth Vader (complete with the Darth Tater mask and hat.)

What a difference at Speech Class!

Today the twins ran into the class, said “Bye Mama” and started talking the teacher about the pictures they had brought for sharing. Looks like they have finally adjusted to going to the speech class. I started using the incentive of playing at the park afterwards if they were good in class. That seems to have really motivated them to participate in the class. On Tuesday as we were driving by the park, after playing there because they were good in class, Riley said “I like that park, it helps me be good at speech class.”

Speech Class #3

Jared and Riley were back to crying and not participating in speech class today. Nothing seems to motivate them to want to participate in the class. They don’t at all care about the stickers she gives out if you are good. They do want to play in the park next to the school, so I told them if they participate in the speech class on Thursday, then they can play in the park. We’ll see if it works.

Speech Class #2

Jared and Riley did much better in speech class today. Riley hardly cried at all. Jared cried through most of it, but warmed up towards the end. Hopefully next time neither of them will cry at all.

More Tears at Swim Class

The boys had their first swim class today. All three are signed up for 15 min private lessons once a week. Last week they had an evaluation and today they had their first class. Aidan is doing great and will likely be swimming after the end of our 11 week session. Last week Riley cried most of the class. This week both Jared and Riley cried, with Riley screaming at some points during the class. I sure hope they get used to the class soon! We are going to practice in the spa during the week to hopefully help them get used to the back floats that they both seem to hate.

Jared and Riley’s First Speech Class

Jared and Riley had their first speech class today. They will be going twice a week for 1/2 hour each class. There are 4 kids total in the class. They both basically cried the entire time, with Jared being the worst and his crying caused Riley to cry too. They are never away from me, so I’m sure that was the main problem. Jared said he was crying because he wanted me. I told them they were going to go again on Thursday and Jared said, “I don’t want to go again”. Hopefully they will get used to it after a few classes.

I’ve Really Got To Stop Calling Them Babies!

The twins are getting so big and learning so many new skills. Jared now insists on climbing into and out of his carseat by himself. And today, Jared climbed all the way up the big slide in the backyard and then proceeded to slide down it all by himself. He followed that by climbing up the ladder all by himself with no trouble at all. Riley got really mad and wanted me to put him at the top too. I told him he had to climb up there himself. After trying a few times, he figured out how to do it too. They were having to much fun climbing up the slide and sliding back down.