Back from Shopping!

I’m back! I made it to Target, Sports Chalet, Michaels, Toys R Us and Kohls. I could have made it to Barnes and Nobles, but decided to enjoy a relaxing lunch instead of rushing lunch and going there. I got everything that I wanted to get! I did have to ask a couple of times about items and was lucky enough that they had them in the back and got them for me. I spent so much money in such a short amount of time that I triggered the fraud alert on my debit card! I had a message from them on my voice mail when I got home asking me to verify all the charges I placed.

Off on a Shopping Extravaganza

My MIL is coming over in a few minutes to watch the twins. I’m going to drop Aidan off at preschool and then it’s off to do Christmas shopping until I have to pick him back up at 12:30. I’m hoping to get all the gifts that have to be mailed as well as most of the stuff for the kids. I’m planning on going to Target, Micheals, Toys R Us, Kohls, Barnes and Noble and Sports Chalet. Wish me luck in getting it all done! I also plan to have a nice quite lunch all by myself. Something I rarely get to do.