Falyn rolled from her front to her back

Falyn just rolled over from her front to her back for the first time. She has rolled from her back to her front a number of times, but never the other way. She was on her back playing with her Einstein Play gym. I looked over and she was on her tummy. She had this proud smile on her face as if to say, “Look what I did mommy!” It was so cute!

Is she left handed?

I’m beginning to think that Falyn is going to be left handed. She only sucks on her left hand and she always reaches for stuff with her left hand. We’ll have to see if this trend continues. I know it is way to early to determine whether she is left or right handed.

Falyn’s First Day at the Beach

We spent most of the day yesterday at the beach. My SIL, Samantha, came with me to help out with the kids. It was a beautiful day to be at the beach! The kids had a blast playing in the water with Samantha. Falyn slept a lot of the time we were there, but did enjoy sitting in her bumbo seat watching the ocean while she was awake. Everyone that walked by commented on how cute she was.

At some point during the day, I was sitting in my beach chair, holding Falyn, eating a cholocate-chip cookie that Samantha made and drinking my Dr. Pepper, when I thought, “This is the life”. Samantha was down at the water with all the kids – I bet she wasn’t thinkintg that! That feeling lasted about a minute or two before one of the boys came running up and had to be taken to the bathroom.

Falyn Rolled Over!

I just got Falyn up from her nap and she was on her back in the crib. She always sleeps in her stomach and was sound asleep that way the last time I checked on her. (Ya, I know, you are suppose to put babies to sleep on their backs, but she absolutely positively will not sleep that way and yes I have tried to get her to.) She must have rolled over after she woke up. This is the first time she has rolled over on her own.

Four Months Old

Falyn turned four months old today. I can’t believe how much she has grown in the last month! She is now wearing mostly 6 mo. sized clothes with some 9 mo. stuff tossed in. She can now grasp her toys and put them in her mouth all by herself. She likes to sit in her bumbo seat and play, play with her baby gym and aquarium bouncy seat and is just starting to like her exersaucer. She is such a smiley baby. She has the hugest smile. She smiles with her entire face. It is so cute!

How Cute is This?

While I was eating lunch, Falyn was playing in the exersaucer. I went outside to help Riley get his bike out of the garage and came back in to find her asleep. I moved her to the crib right after taking the pictures.

You can see more pics of her sleeping in the exersaucer here.

Falyn’s Four Month Check-Up

Falyn had her four month check up yesterday. The appointment got off to a rough start. On the way up to the doctor’s office, Falyn pooped. It was a huge poop and it got all over her clothes and on mine too. I had extra clothes for her, but none for me. I was able to wash it off my clothes in the bathroom, but then had a very wet shirt on. Since I was mostly holding Falyn anyway, you really couldn’t tell. Luckily, it did dry pretty quickly.

Falyn was 14 pounds and 24 1/2 inches long. Those numbers put her at the 50th percentile for both weight and length. She would have been 6-8 ounces heavier if they had weighed her before that huge poop! I get that she is 25-26 inches long when I measure her. For comparasion, here’s the weight and length of all her siblings at this age:

Talia 17 lbs 5 oz 26 ”
Kayli (5 mo.) 15 lbs 10 oz 25 3/4 ”
Aidan 12 lbs 11 oz 24 ”
Jared 11 lbs 15 oz 24 3/4 ”
Riley 11 lbs 14 oz 24 1/2 ”

The doctor said she is doing great and I could start her on cereal if I want. I don’t think she is ready, so I plan to wait until I see signs that she is ready to start solids. The doctor said that was fine to wait till she was older.

Falyn got four shots which made her very cranky last night. The nurse did give me some infant tylenol to give her that seemed to help a bit.

Talia also had a check-up today. Her 11 year check-up. She is doing just fine and is in the 50th percentile for height and 60th percentile for weight. Her hearing and vision are all both great. They also checked her blood pressure, which was in the normal range.

Challenge Mother /Daughter Day

Today was the annual mother/daughter day for Challenge. This was the first time we have attended. Girls can join the group when they turn 10, so Kayli is still too young for it. I did take Falyn with me since it went from 11:00 – 3:00. Since she is still exclusively nursing, I couldn’t leave her that long. They told me it would be fine to bring her along, even though she wasn’t yet 10. 🙂 I had her in the sling most of the time and she stayed pretty happy. Everyone thought she was so cute.

The day started with the attendies being broken up into three different groups: the angels, the apostles and the martyrs. Each group had to make up a cheer. We were in the apostles group. We made up a cheer to the tune of the We Will Rock You song. Ours was by far the best cheer. Miss Talia, the poet, helped make up the lyrics. We then played some games and had lunch. After lunch, the girls had a speaker and the moms had a speaker. Then the moms had some time alone with their daughters. We finished up by praying the Rosary. Talia led the second decade. I’m so proud of her for not being afraid to do that. Some of the other girls wouldn’t be a leader.

All in all, we had a good time at the event. I was reluctant to go at first since I had to bring Falyn along. But, I’m glad I went and we will certainly go again next year.

Gone Most of the Day

Today was Aidan’s last day of preschool. They had a picnic and puppet show and invited the families to attend with their child. So, I went with all the kids. Aidan and the twins sat up front for the puppet show. I think they all enjoyed it. After the puppet show, they had hot dogs and chips and cookies.

Then this afternoon we went to a girl scout pool party. Since the boys do not swim very well, I bought them floaties for the party. They weren’t too thrilled with the idea, but once they got them on and got in the pool they liked them. I got a new spray sunscreen that I just love. You just spray it on them and that’s it. You don’t have to rub it in, except for the face – you can’t spray it there so you have to spray it in your hands and rub it on their faces. Everyone had a blast at the party and were very tired afterwards. I was exhausted afterwards! I was holding Falyn the entire time and then kept having to take one boy after the other to the bathroom. I barely sat down the entire four hours we were there.

Bye-Bye Bassinet

I sold the bassinet to Children’s Orchard yesterday. Falyn had gotten to big for it and is now sleeping in the crib. My goal now is to get her to go to sleep in the crib by herself. She normally falls asleep in my arms and then I put her in the crib. She is starting to get too heavy to carry around all the time and I really need her to learn to sleep in her crib, so I have to stop doing th at. She did sleep better last night, now that her cold is almost gone. She only woke up once, at 3:19 am. I got up and put her binky back in her mouth and she then went right back to sleep. I’m hoping that soon she will be able to put her binky back in her mouth all by herself.