Pink Ninjas Crazy Sock Day

I am coaching Falyn’s soccer team again this year. The girls picked “Pink Ninjas” for the team name. Falyn was so happy her team’s color is pink this year. I had the girls wear “crazy socks” and took some pics at today’s practice. Here’s a few of my faves.

First Day of School

For everyone but Talia, today was the first day of school. Falyn was so excited to be going to kindergarten. She had a great time and just loves her new teacher. Jared and Riley are in 3rd grade and have the same teacher they had in kindergarten. They both think this will be a great year. Aidan started 5th grade and has a teacher Kayli had for both 4th and 5th grade. She is just wonderful and I know Aidan will do great with her as his teacher this year. Kayli is in 8th grade, which is will be the last year for her at this school. She is excited about all the fun things she gets do do this year as an 8th grader, especially the 8th grade sweatshirts and DC trip.

All ready for her first day of Kindergarten.

I am going to try to remember to do a shot like this each year for Falyn.

At her table.

Jared and Riley all set for 3rd grade.

With their backpacks. We let them both have black shoes this year, with Jared having white shoelaces.

Aidan all set for 5th grade.

With his backpack.

Kayli all set for 8th grade.

With her backpack.

Falyn’s Last Day of Preschool

Falyn’s last day of preschool was today. She is super excited to be going to kindergarten next year, but a bit sad to be leaving the preschool she has attended for the last three years. One of her friends will be going to the same school as her next year and a few others will be on her soccer team or in cheer with her. That will help make the transition next fall a bit easier.

With Mrs Wheeler

With Miss Ricco

With Samantha

With Savanna and Hannah

Swinging, one of her favorite things to do at school

In the big tree at the front of the school

Falyn’s Spring 2011 Dance Recital

Falyn had her first dance recital today. She has been taking a “Combo Fusion” class at Studio Fusion since last September. She learns ballet, jazz, tap and some acrobatics in the class. She loves the class and absolutely loved the recital. This is one kid that loves being on stage and performing in front of an audience. She did most of the routine correctly and in the parts where she was doing the wrong steps, other kids followed along with what she was doing instead of doing the choreographed steps. She can’t wait for the next recital.

Falyn’s June 2011 Cheer Competition

Falyn had a great time at her second cheer competition. He team did great, coming in 2nd place which earned them silver medals. Falyn said that now all she needs is a 3rd place to complete her medal collection (they won 1st place last time),

Falyn’s Preschool Mother’s Day Tea

Falyn’s preschool held their annual Mother’s Day Tea today. We enjoyed snacks, made crafts and hung out with friends. We had a really nice time.

Working on a craft with Savanna

Having a snack with Hannah

My mom is best at… “typing words on the computer”

Making a bracelet

On the playground