Kayli’s Mother’s Day Prayer Service

Each year the 5th graders at my children’s elementary school write special letters to their mothers. Each child reads their letters to the all the mothers at a special service. The letters were all wonderful. Some were funny, some were touching, but all of them were very heartfelt and you could see how much each of this children loves their mother. I felt so sad for the kids whose moms were not able to be at the service. I am sure those moms are sad they missed such an important event in their child’s life.

Here’s the video of Kayli reading the letter she wrote to me.

Here’s a few pictures from the event.

Aidan’s First Communion Breakfast

The First Communion breakfast for Aidan’s class was today. The children sang several songs and we were then served breakfast. Since Talia was an 8th grader with a sibling making First Communion, she was able to help serve at the breakfast. The tables were decorated with flowerpots that the children had painted and the walls were decorated with other artwork the children had done. The hall look lovely and the food was delicious. Everyone had a great time.

Here’s some more pictures from the breakfast: