You stepped on a bee at the beach?

We have been going to the beach once a week since school got out. All the kids love going to the beach. The boys have become quite good boogie boarders this summer. Falyn still isn’t quite into boogie boarding, but insists on bring her pink Tweety Bird boogie board with us each time we go to the beach. We had no sooner gotten to the beach, dropped our stuff on the sand and taken off our shoes, when I hear Riley say, “Owe!”. He then starts screaming that he stepped on a bee. I looked down and see a bee thrashing about on the sand. That pretty much confirms that he did indeed step on a bee. He says he can’t walk, so Talia and Kayli carry him over to the lifeguard (we also set up right next to a lifeguard tower). The lifeguard makes sure he got all the of the stinger out, cleans it up and puts a band-aid on Riley’s foot. Afterwards, Riley sat on a towel on the beach complaining about the pain. That only laster for about 10 minutes, when he started playing in the sand. It wasn’t long before he put on his wetsuit, grabbed his boogie board and headed out into the waves.

Afterwards he made the comment that it didn’t hurt nearly as much as he thought a bee stung would hurt. I’m hoping that will mean he isn’t as terrified of them now. We also now know that he isn’t allergic to bees. It’s a good bet that Jared isn’t allergic to them either, since DNA seems to play a big part in whether or not a person is allergic to something. Since Falyn is allergic to bees, it is a relief to know that Riley and most likely Jared, are not allergic to them. But seriously, a bee sting at the beach? I could understand stepping on a stingray, but a bee? Why do these types of things only seem to happen to us?