Falyn is 7 Months Old

Falyn turned seven months old today. She is such a delightful baby, always smiling at everyone. She is very easy going and so sweet. She finally started eating solids this month. She will now eat a bowl full of rice, oatmeal or barley with fruit or veggies mixed in. She is on the verge of being able to crawl all over the house. She can crawl a little bit now, but hasn’t become an expert at it yet though and only does about one crawl at a time.

I did a photoshoot for Falyn’s 7 Month Portaits. You can see them all here.

Here’s some of my favorites:

Happy 1/2 Year Birthday!

Falyn turned 6 months old yesterday. I took a ton of pictures of her and put some of them on flickr. She is such a sweet baby. She rarely cries, sleeps all night, sits up great, rolls all over the place, won’t eat solids, loves her jumperoo and exersaucer and is the most smiley baby in the world. She had her 6 mo. check-up this morning. She now weighs 16 lbs 8 oz and is 26 1/2 inches long. That puts her in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. The Dr. said that she expect her to be walking by 10 months at the latest. She is perfectly healthy and got four shots. She didn’t like the shots at all and kept getting angrier and angrier with each one.

My First Pigtails

Talia was combing Falyn’s hair today when we decided to try to put pigtails in her hair. Doesn’t she look cute?

Asleep in the Baby Gym

Falyn was playing in her baby gym yesterday afternoon. It got quite and I looked over to see that she had fallen asleep! She looked so cute that I had to take pictures.

We have a roller in the house

Falyn rolled all the way across the living room and under her jumperoo today. She is now the expert roller and can roll pretty much anywhere she wants to go. She has been getting up on her hands and knees know too and has done a sort of army type crawl to move forward a few times. I’m afraid she is going to be crawling in the next month or so. Way too early in my opinion. I tell her she is too young to be trying to crawl, but she doesn’t listen.

Falyn’s Baptism

Falyn was baptized today. There were a lot of babies Baptized at the ceremony, around a dozen or so, but I didn’t count. Father Bruce did the ceremony. About half the Baptisms were preformed in Spanish. Our church has a very large Spanish and Vietnamese population. It is always interesting to participate in a multi-language ceremony.

Unfortunately, it seems that most of the people there had never set foot in a church before. Their behavior was appalling! The people in front of us were talking the entire time and standing up in the aisle taking picture during the ceremony! They were not even paying any attention to the priest. At one point he asked that everyone put away the cameras and join him in a prayer for the children. I don’t think they even heard him say that! They kept right on taking pictures and talking. I felt it was horribly disrespectful and know of several other priests that would not have put up with that behavior and let them know just how disrespectful they were being.

Falyn was sound asleep when I handed her to the priest for her Baptism. She seem quite surprised by the entire thing, but didn’t cry at all. They gave you the choice of doing full immersion or not, and we chose to have full immersion. Chantel took the pictures for us and captured her Baptism really well. We had a BBQ at our house after the ceremony. Then we all went swimming over at the Pauly’s house. It was Falyn’s first time in a pool! I don’t have any pictures, because there was no way to juggle a camera, the baby and keep an eye on all the kids in the pool all at the same time. She did really enjoy it though!

Falyn is 5 months old

Falyn turned five months old today. She is getting so big! She can sit all by herself now and is rolling all over the place. Enjoys sitting and playing with her toys. She also loves to bounce in her jumperoo and play in her exersaucer. She is such good baby. She is rarely fussy and loves to be around people. She does not like to be left alone and will cry if she is by herself in a room.

Falyn’s First Cereal

Falyn had her first cereal last night. We gave her Earth’s Best rice cereal mixed with expressed breastmilk. She didn’t seem to like it much! I think she spit most of it back out. We also let her try out her sippy cup with a bit of water in it. She liked playing with the cup, but didn’t drink out of it. I’m sure she will figure it out soon though. Jared and Riley both helped feed her. They were so cute with her.

First Time in a Cart

Falyn sat in a cart for the first time today. We went to Costco to pick up the invitiations for her Baptism. The floppy seat worked out great! She looked so cute sitting in the cart and had a great time looking all around the store. When we were done shopping, I got hot dogs for the boys and a slice of pizza for me. She sat in the cart looking all around outside while we ate our lunch. I can’t believe how big she is getting already!

Falyn’s New Toy

Today we got Falyn a jumperoo. She really likes it! She has been playing in it for over an hour now. I think you can say that this toy is a big hit!

She was having so much fun playing in it, that she didn’t want out and fell asleep!