Parish Festival

The Parish Festival is this weekend. The kids have been getting so excited all week watching the booths get set up and the rides arrive. They could not wait for school to get out today so they could go on the rides. This is the first year I have gone to the festival with no stroller. Falyn did just great without it. I picked up the kids at the 12:30 dismissal and we had lunch. Grandma Nancy and Dan met us at the food tables. We then rode rides till around 3:00 pm. They have one ticket rides for all the school kids from 1-3. After that it goes up to 4 tickets per ride, so I wanted to take full advantage while it was just one ticket per ride. The kids had tons of fun on the rides with the twirly slide being the boys favorite and the horses and ferris wheel being Falyn’s favorite.

Talia was sad that she didn’t go with us. Her school didn’t get out until 3:00. She went home with her friend for a sleepover and was able to go to the festival that afternoon and evening with her friends and again the next day with a unlimited ride bracelet that was good from noon till 6 pm.

We spent a lot of time helping out with booths this weekend. Friday night Dan and Aidan worked at the dime toss booth. Saturday afternoon Kayli and I worked the cookie booth, then Saturday night Talia and Dan worked the hamburger booth. Dan and the twins worked the dime toss booth on Sunday afternoon. And Dan went back Sunday night to help with take down after the festival closed.

The boys all ready to ride the swings.

Riley going down the twirly slide.

Jared going down the twirly slide.

Aidan and Dan going down the big slide.

Kayli going down the big slide.

Kayli and her 1st grader Jessica.

Falyn on the ferris wheel.

Kayli on the tilt-a-whirl with her friends Kaylie and Lauren.

The twins on the rollercoaster.

Falyn and Grandma Nancy on the ferris wheel.

Falyn was so excited to see her friend Sarah at the festival.

Falyn and Sarah on the turtle ride.

Falyn and Sarah on the carousel.

Falyn with her cotton candy.

Riley with his snow cone.

Aidan with his snow cone.

Jared with his snow cone.