Talia’s First Day of 8th Grade

Talia had her first day of 8th grade today. This is such a big year! It marks the last year she will be at the school she has gone too since Kindergarten. Next year it is off to High School. There is so much that goes on during this year, science fair, frog dissection, the big Constitution testing, dances and graduation. There is so much this year that they have a special parent meeting in October to go over it all. That combined with all the Kindergarten activities for the twins and the First Communion activities for Aidan, makes this an unusually busy year for us.

Since this is the 9th and final year for Talia at this school, I dug up and scanned in the first day of school pics that I didn’t already have online and put together a mosaic of the first day of school pictures from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Here it is:

I thought I had a picture of Talia with her friend Chloe on the first day of Kindergarten, but I couldn’t find it. I did find one of them on the first day of 1st grade.

Here’s a picture of them from today.

It was so much fun to see how much they have grown over the years.

Here’s more of the pictures taken from this morning.

It was also the twins first day of Kindergarten, here’s a picture of all three of them at school.

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