Twins First Day of Kindergarten

Jared and Riley also had their first day of school today. They were so excited to be starting Kindergarten. They get to be in the same class and have the same teacher that Aidan had for Kindergarten. She is pretty much the perfect Kindergarten teacher. I am thrilled that they both have her. To make it easier for everyone to tell them apart, I got different colored shoes. Jared has the white shoes and Riley has the black ones. They both had a great time on their first day. The both like their teacher and all the other kids in the class. Since I am the class photographer and memory book mom, I got to stick around and take pictures in the classroom. It was so much fun watching all the kids on their first day. A few of the kids had a hard time leaving their parents and there were some tears. But by the time I left, which was about an hour later, they were all smiling and seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Here’s more pictures of their first day.



Jared and Riley

Taken at the school

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