Aidan Cut the Twins Hair

Yesterday afternoon while I was helping Kayli with her homework downstairs, Aidan was upstairs cutting the twins hair. He did a chop job on all the hair in the front of Riley’s head. I must have caught him right when he started on Jared’s since he only cut a bit out of the front of Jared’s head. I can comb Jared’s hair so that it is barely noticeable, but Riley’s is a mess! I don’t know what to do with it. Aidan now has no toys in his room and won’t be getting any back till the twins’ hair grows back. I have no idea where he got the scissors, probably out of the girls room. They have been confiscated and are now out of reach. Hopefully not having his beloved bionicles for a while will drive the point home with Aidan that he better not ever cut anyone’s hair again.

Falyn is 7 Months Old

Falyn turned seven months old today. She is such a delightful baby, always smiling at everyone. She is very easy going and so sweet. She finally started eating solids this month. She will now eat a bowl full of rice, oatmeal or barley with fruit or veggies mixed in. She is on the verge of being able to crawl all over the house. She can crawl a little bit now, but hasn’t become an expert at it yet though and only does about one crawl at a time.

I did a photoshoot for Falyn’s 7 Month Portaits. You can see them all here.

Here’s some of my favorites: